Emergent Vision Technologies provides a comprehensive range of trigger modes for both area-scan and line-scan cameras, designed to meet diverse synchronization and operational needs. These modes enable users to optimize their high-speed imaging systems for various applications, ensuring precise control and synchronization with external events and devices.
Area-scan camera trigger modes
Triggerless Acquisition (mode AS-A): Suitable for scenarios where synchronization with external events is unnecessary. Frame capture is managed through simple software commands.
Software Triggers (mode AS-B): Frame capture is triggered by software commands, offering flexibility and control over acquisition timing.
PTP Triggers (mode AS-C): Utilizes Precision Time Protocol (PTP) to synchronize multiple cameras precisely, ensuring each frame is captured in sync with the PTP clock.
Hardware Triggers with Internal Exposure Settings (mode AS-D1): External signals trigger frame capture, while the camera internally controls the exposure duration.
Hardware Triggers with External Exposure Settings (mode AS-D2): External signals trigger both frame capture and control the exposure duration, providing precise synchronization with external events.
Figure 1: Hardware triggers with external exposure settings
Triggerless Acquisition (mode LS-A): No external synchronization needed; the camera’s software features manage frame and line capture.
Hardware Frame Trigger and Internal Line Time Setting (mode LS-B): External hardware signals trigger frames, while the camera’s internal settings manage line capture timing.
Hardware Frame Trigger and Encoder Line-Scan Trigger (mode LS-C): Combines external hardware signals for frame triggering with encoder pulses for precise line capture control.
Encoder Frame and Line-Scan Triggers (mode LS-D): Encoder pulses trigger both frame and line capture, ensuring synchronization with the movement of objects or materials.
Encoder Frame and Line-Scan Triggers with Hardware Pulses (mode LS-E): External hardware pulses enable acquisition, with encoder pulses managing both frame and line triggers for precise and synchronized imaging.
Figure 2: Encoder frame trigger and line-scan trigger with hardware pulses